
Mathematical Study of a Class of Reaction-Di§usion System

saida bakht

Research and Analysis Journal ,Volume 2020 , Page Page No. 154 - 159

In this work, we define a diffusion reaction system resulting from the modeling of certain chemical reactions coming from quantitative or formal chemical kinetics [1]. The key amount is that of the reaction rate. The objective of this work is to prove the local, global existence, uniqueness and positivity for these reaction-diffusion systems.

CCS Concepts The ACM Computing Classification Scheme :65C, 65N, 65M.


Assessment of ICT usage in the teaching and learning of Social Studies in Collages of Education

EMMANUEL BUAH, Emmanuel Nomah, Frank Akuffo Asah

Research and Analysis Journal ,Volume 2020 , Page Page No. 160- 170


In meeting the demand of the society on technology requirements, students all over the world in different educational levels are equipped with technological skills to be able to solve problems, ease learning and achieve success in their future. Therefore, the study sought to assess ICT usage in the teaching and learning of Social Studies in the Colleges of Education. The Study involved a sample size of 250 students selected from two Colleges of Education. Questionnaire was the main instrument used. The findings revealed that ICT tools for teaching and learning were not available in the colleges studied, lack or inadequate training, no internet facilities, poor or lack of ICT infrastructures were the highest barriers to the use of ICT in Colleges.  Even though, Social Studies Tutors showed positive perception about the use of ICT in the teaching and learning Social Studies, they however, showed poor attitudes towards the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of Social Studies due to the barriers identified in the Colleges.