

José Manuel Salum Tomé

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 3 No. 9 (2020),Volume 2020 , Page 284-293

Nowadays, the link between concepts of education and diversity is very far in the schools of Chile, and even more so in the educational policies of the country, which only interests the concept of inclusion as a more segregating than inclusive concept.

Three years after it was promulgated by President Michelle Bachelet, on Tuesday, March 1 of this year, the School Inclusion Law begins to be officially applied.


Doubts, criticisms and marked differences persist from different sectors towards the new regulations that in principle intend to end profit, selection and co-payment in subsidized private education establishments and not to the integration and inclusion of students with SEN as the focus principal.


The purpose of this research is to find out how the role or participation of the community around the market and street vendors in Pedan Market, Pedan District, in the effort to enforce the Klaten Regency Regional Regulation number 12 of 2012 concerning Structuring, Regulation, and Empowerment of Street Vendors. This study uses a type of Normative Law research, which is a research procedure to find the truth based on consistent scientific logic. The results of this study are: a) Public legal awareness of the existence of Klaten District Regulation No. 12 of 2012 is high, this is indicated by; b) Public knowledge of the Perda (Regional Regulation) is quite high, that is, 82% of the respondents said they knew very well, 12% of the respondents knew 'c) The respondent's attitude towards the Perda (Regional Regulation) showed that 81% of the respondents said they were very supportive, 12% supported the existence of the intended Perda; d) The behavior of respondents towards the Perda  (Regional Regulatin) in question is that 89% say they will implement it, 12% actively agree to implement it. A statement that the participation of the community around the Pedan market shows high participation in implementing the intended Perda (Regional (Regulatin), this is indicated by: a) The willingness of the community and traders to accept and implement the Perda (Regional Regulatin); b) There is real support from the community and street vendors that encourage them to participate; c) There is a willingness of the community and street vendors to implement the said regulation in their daily life