
Explosive Hypertrophy Development: 5RD method, advanced way for explosive hypertrophy, Cases Report Series Research

Dario Furnari, Khaled Hamlaoui, Nadya Khan

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 3 No. 11 (2020),Volume 2020 , Page 308-312

The knowledge of muscle function plays a major role in bodybuilding training and makes big difference for bodybuilders.

Muscle monitoring is of great interest in areas such as clinical assessment, and sport science. Understanding, ideally quantifying, when a muscle state has changed in relation to whole body motion can assist in physical training and muscle conditioning.

There are lot of different methods to gain muscle mass and improve weak parts; bodybuilders been using those methods for decades such: drop-set, rest-pause, super-set, tri-set, giant sets, contrast time, multi hold pump set, intra set load contrast, regressive range of motion, iso dynamic contrast

Our method is based on scientific work; our main goal is to improve bodybuilder’s weak muscles and increase muscle mass in very short period of time, to asses our work we used electromyography (EMG) to assess the skeletal muscles activity and ultrasonography (US) to measure muscle thickness.

Bodybuilding is the use of progressive resistance exercise to develop the musculature, is the process of developing muscle fibres through the combination of weight training, increased caloric intake, and rest. Bodybuilding decreases risk of developing diseases, Improve Mental Health, simply Weight training exercise, aerobic exercise and right nutrition have beneficial effects for strong mind and body. Muscle hypertrophy is a term for the growth and increase of the size of muscle cells. Hypertrophy is, by definition, the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells. Not to be confused withhyperplasia, the process of increasing the number of cells, hypertrophy is the process of increasing the size of the cells that are already there.

By that a hormonal response is triggered, so a release of growth factor, cortisol, and testosterone. Growth factors help stimulate muscle hypertrophy while testosterone increases protein synthesis. This process makes satellite cells multiplying and their daughter cells go to the damaged tissue.


To build muscle through weight lifting, you need to have both mechanical damage and metabolic fatigue. When you lift a heavy weight, the contractile proteins in the muscles must generate force to overturn the resistance provided by the weight.

Scientific Rationale For The Development Of Low-Intensity Irrigation Systems In Azerbaijan

Dr. Prof. ALIYEV I.H., prof.Dr. ALIYEV Z.H.

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 3 No. 11 (2020),Volume 2020 , Page 313-318

The results of the study revealed that the mismatch intensity rain rate of water absorption into the soil formation of a surface relief and soil erosion, uneven and shallow soaking imperfection open irrigation system at a superficial irrigation, the need for different irrigation methods in the growing and not growing periods, low coefficient land utilization, high cost of irrigation and other features are, to a certain extent in conflict with the requirements of watering cultivated with techniques for / of crops in an area at the deep groundwater.


Polycarp O. Gor, Prof. Lucas O. A. Othuon, Dr. Quinter A. Migunde

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 3 No. 11 (2020),Volume 2020 , Page 319-331

The purpose of this study was to establish the moderating role of gender in the influence of interest on science performance among secondary school students in Migori county. A sample of 327 Form Four students in Migori county was used. Data was analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, Correlation analysis and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Overall, boys had higher levels of performance in science (Mean=39.21) than girls (Mean=30.80) and the mean difference was statistically significant (t=3.89, p=.00). Boys had higher levels of interest (Mean=2.99) than girls (Mean=2.73) and the mean difference was statistically significant (t (173) = 2.137, p = .034). Further, the overall correlation between interest and performance in science was statistically significant with r =.253 (p=.001, n=327). Interest predicted performance in science with F (1,173) =11.871, p < .05. Consequently, gender significantly moderated the relationship between interest and performance in science with b = 8.6149, 95%CI (-1.4566, 18.6864), t =1.6885, p < .05. The relationship was significantly higher among females at b = 9.892, 95%CI (2.2487, 4.8067), t =2.152, p < .05 than males at b = 5.989, 95%CI (2.1526, 22.1325), t = 2.965, p < .05. It is concluded that boys outperform girls in science, boys exhibit higher levels of interest than girls and the association between interest and performance in science is stronger for girls than boys. In order to reduce the gender gap in science performance, it is recommended that interest in science should be enhanced for students but more particularly so for girls.

Solving Fourth-order Boundary Value Problems by Modified Adomian Decomposition Method

Zainab Ali Abdu AL-Rabahi, Yahya Qaid Hasan

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 3 No. 11 (2020),Volume 2020 , Page 332-340

This paper presented new four modified differential operators for
solving fourth-order boundary value problems of ordinary differential equation. The modification form of the Adomian Decomposition
Method (ADM) was proposed and used to constitute the numerical
solution for such problems by applying it on one linear and two nonlinear problems. From the examples examined in this paper as well
as the obtained results, it can be concluded that the modified method
proposed in this paper is competent and reliable.