CO2 Sequestration
Research and Analysis Journal
Vol. 4 No. 10 (2021),Volume
Page 01-01
Starting with an overview of Science, Engineering, Technology and Management. An application of Science is called Engineering; an application of Engineering is called Technology; and applying the Knowledge of Science, Engineering & Technology in Management.
Globally, due to the realization that, from last three decades, carbon dioxide sequestration gaining interest to reduce the concentration of CO2. CO2 Sequestration terms as CO2 capture. In the atmosphere capture carbon dioxide through chemical process and physical process. This process is not new and used by petroleum, petrochemical, chemical and power industries. Carbon dioxide Sequestration Technology involves the process of extracting, separating, transporting and storage. Carbon dioxide emissions can be preventing before release into the atmosphere. By this, global warming can be defer and dangerous climate change can be stop. The most important challenges that should be considered are regulatory, political, technical and economical