
CO2 Sequestration

Aditya Anand Lanjewar

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 4 No. 10 (2021),Volume 2021 , Page 01-01

Starting with an overview of Science, Engineering, Technology and Management. An application of Science is called Engineering; an application of Engineering is called Technology; and applying the Knowledge of Science, Engineering & Technology in Management.

Globally, due to the realization that, from last three decades, carbon dioxide sequestration gaining interest to reduce the concentration of CO2. CO2 Sequestration terms as CO2 capture. In the atmosphere capture carbon dioxide through chemical process and physical process. This process is not new and used by petroleum, petrochemical, chemical and power industries. Carbon dioxide Sequestration Technology involves the process of extracting, separating, transporting and storage. Carbon dioxide emissions can be preventing before release into the atmosphere. By this, global warming can be defer and dangerous climate change can be stop. The most important challenges that should be considered are regulatory, political, technical and economical

In this dynamic world, women entrepreneurs are a big a part of the worldwide expedition for sustained economic development and social progress. Due to growing industrialization, the emergence of women owned businesses are highly increasing in the economies of almost all countries. Entrepreneurship develops from an individual’s creative spirit into long-term business ownership, job creation and fiscal security. Women bring commitment and integrity because they provide more attention about entrepreneurial development, economic empowerment and innovation. Women’s skills, knowledge, their talents and skills in business and a compelling desire of eager to do something positive are a number of the explanations for the women entrepreneurs to arrange industries. The government has realized the significance of women entrepreneurship. As a result, the Government offers a variety of programmes for women entrepreneurs. Promotion of women entrepreneurship ensures economic independence. Social emancipation of women gains social status. It makes women aware of their rights and gains equal status. So effective steps are needed to provide entrepreneurial awareness, orientation and skill development programs to women.

Apparently, the ‘overwhelming’ and abrupt changes and transformation that is on-going in teaching and learning at the higher education institutions (HEIs) due to Covid-19. Some learners are coping well, whilst majority are grappling with the teaching and learning challenges as presented by the Covid-19. Other learners (not would not) but cannot cope with the pressure and abrupt changes that take place in HE which result in dropping out of these learners. This article poses the question of whether we have exhausted strategies to curtail the dropping out of learners due to teaching and learning challenges. The article intends to spur discussion on how we can effectively assist the higher education (HE) learners who are struggling or failing to cope with the Covid-19 teaching and learning challenges. The focus is on the challenges caused using technology for teaching and learning. Thus, the sudden imposition of e-learning on curriculum contents designed for face-to-face contact learning due to covind-19 has exposed how unprepared developing nations are towards embracing the predictable future of education. There are indications that the postcovid-19 teaching and learning environment will possibly maintain the current e-learning practices. Have we our priority right in supporting the struggling learners.

The study is located in the discipline of environmental ethics as it explores the snack-food (or plastic) littering and consumer responsibility towards the environment. The theory of consequentialism and Stewardship were used to provide ethical perspectives and background for the reconstruction of the consumers’ social and moral responsibility towards the environment. The study applies mixed research approach. Focus group, interviews and questionnaire were used to collect data; whereas thematic and statistical analysis were used for data analysis. The study finding shows (1) an increased plastic littering in the Pietermaritzburg city; (2) consumers’ indifference towards plastic littering and shifting of cleaning responsibility to the government; and (3) the household plastic-littering consumers indifference towards the consequences of plastic littering to the environment, and the escalating government expenditure towards environmental management. The study recommends an intensified civic responsibility campaign, and anti-littering strategies that can ethically (in)form consumer consciousness and responsibility towards the environment. It also recommends the government to develop a robust policy to control plastic littering. The government must promote a shared sense of responsibility towards the environment by integrating the plastic-producing industries and business dealers into the overall waste management plan. Encouraging plastic recycling businesses must was also recommended.

Etude Des Facteurs De La Récurrence Des Accidents De Circulation Impliquant Des Motos A Bouaké

KOUADIO Kouassi Kan Adolphe, Fêtê Ernest KOFFI

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 4 No. 10 (2021),Volume 2021 , Page 25-30

In Ivory Coast, the motorcycle taxi phenomenon was imposed by the armed rebellion of September 2002 in the CNO zones. From there, the use of motorcycles will particularly develop in the commune of Bouaké to the detriment of the usual means of transport, in particular city taxis and minicars or "gbaka". In this city of Bouaké, the numerous accidents recorded daily are attributed to the motorcycle taxi which ensures the movement of populations in the different districts of the commune. The explanatory factors for the recurrence of traffic accidents involving motorcycles in Bouaké are multiple. We mainly identify the lack of driver training, ignorance of the highway code and road safety rules, incivism during checks by law enforcement and the municipality, the use of drugs and the degradation of roads.