
Awareness of a Rare Diagnosis: CIA of the Coronary Sinus (A Case Report)

Hassan Fadoum, Ibrahim Idriss Deka, Chikhi Fatima, Fellat Ibtissam, Amri Rachida, Cherti Mohamed

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 5 No. 8 (2022),Volume 2022 , Page 01-06

Interatrial communication is a common congenital heart disease in adulthood. It is subdivided into four distinct groups based on location.

Coronary sinus type is the rarest one and represents less than 1% of interatrial septal defects. Its echocardiographic diagnosis can be difficult.

We report the case of a 27-year-old female patient, admitted to the emergency department for management of a poorly tolerated supraventricular tachycardia, referred to cardiology after cardioversion.

Clinical examination revealed a SaO2 of 95%, a B2 burst at the pulmonary site. The ECG in sinus rhythm showed right bundle branch block and right atrial hypertrophy.

Echocardiography showed dilated right chambers, coronary sinus atrial septal defect with a left-to-right shunt, dysplastic mitral valve, and pulmonary pression was estimated at 85mmhg on tricuspid insufficiency flow; right ventricular function was normal.

The patient was treated with B-blocker and VKA with a good clinical course.

She is waiting a right catheterization to decide on surgical closure of the atrial septal defect.

Through this case, we wanted to underline the importance of not omitting the echocardiographic search for a defect of the roof of the interatrial septum in front of a volumetric overload of the right cavities.

Impact of Return to Sinus Rhythm on Quality of Life in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

Hassan Fadoum, Ibrahim Idriss Deka, Nesnassi Mounir, Chikhi Fatima, Fellat Ibtissam, Cherti Mohamed

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 5 No. 8 (2022),Volume 2022 , Page 07-11

Improving quality of life in AF is a clinical issue in the management of this disease. The choice of therapeutic strategy; rhythm or rate control would influence the parameters of quality of life assessment. The aim of our study was to describe the impact of maintaining sinus rhythm after cardioversion on the quality of life of patients followed for AF.To do this we conducted a prospective descriptive study including 24 patients followed for paroxysmal, persistent and prolonged persistent AF. Quality of life was assessed by two scores (AFEQT, SF-36) validated for atrial fibrillation. The average age of our population was 53.3 years. Half of our sample had no underlying heart disease. We observed an improvement in quality of life in patients who maintained sinus rhythm. A contradictory result was observed in patients who had a recurrence of the arrhythmia. We also found that age, treatments and comorbidities influenced the quality of life of patients followed for AF. The results found in our study are consistent with the literature; the differences found are probably related to the size of our random sample and the number of scales used to assess quality of life.

The use of quality of life scores could be a key issue for the follow-up of these patients in order to integrate a global management approach.

Inequality in The Management of Acs in Women

Hassan Fadoum, Manouri K, Ibrahim Deka, Zarzur Jamila, Cherti Mohamed

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 5 No. 8 (2022),Volume 2022 , Page 12-16

Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in women, yet it is considered a man's disease. Management is made difficult by an often non-specific clinical presentation, delaying myocardial revascularisation. To improve the care pathway, no diagnostic strategy has been developed in the management guidelines. The aim of our study is to analyse the clinical features of coronary artery disease in Moroccan women through a retrospective study including 191 patients and to compare these data with those in the literature. The average age of the patients in our study was 62 years, and the most frequently found risk factors were menopause and hypertension. A history of coronary artery disease was present in 16.2% of patients. Chest pain was the main symptom in 91% of cases. The average admission time was 24 hours. STEMI accounted for 40% of clinical presentations and IVA was the most common coronary artery lesion. We report gender disparities in pathophysiology and clinical presentation affecting time to treatment. The longer delays in treatment found in our study may be related to a lack of awareness, a lack of resources but also to a particular social environment.

How Does the Violation of Trust Influence Project Management Negotiations?

Dr. Murillo de Oliveira Dias, Bruno Perman Fernandes, Heider Cristian Moura Quintão, Guilherme Dantas Rocha Coelho, , Claudio Catunda Boros, Patricia Vieira

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 5 No. 8 (2022),Volume 2022 , Page 17-26

Violation of Trust frequently damages or destroys the relationship. In this work, we addressed the epistemology of Trust amongst negotiators, providing a new perspective on the emerging themes after careful analysis and revision. First, we analyzed how the Violation of Trust somehow influenced project management negotiations through a qualitative inquiry of N=80 project managers. Then, after content and causal chain analyses, the findings pointed out harsh consequences on both substance and relationship, such as disappointment, loss of sales, customers, and no deal in the short term. In the long run, loss of credibility jeopardizes future business opportunities and loss of reputation. As a result, we believe it is possible to pave the way for future research by understanding complex concepts affecting trust and project management negotiations.

Ventricular Septal Defect Post-Myocardial Infarction: About 5 Cases.

Djibril Ahmed, Lamyaa Bakamel, Mohamed Benasser, Fatima azzahra Benmessaoud, Latifa Oukerraj, Mohammed Cherti

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 5 No. 8 (2022),Volume 2022 , Page 27-29

Post-myocardial infarction (MI) ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a rare but potentially catastrophic mechanical complication that occurs in less than 1% of patients following a myocardial infarction and it is associated with a high morbidity and mortality despite improvements in medical and surgical therapies of revascularization. Our article is based on the study of the occurrence of the VSD after a myocardial infarction in 5 patients. With an average age of 60 years, the prognosis was good if the rupture was small and the patient was hemodynamically stable. VSD tends to occur within the first week after acute myocardial infarction. In most cases, there is an immediate decline in hemodynamics which can lead to cardiogenic shock. VSD is a surgical emergency needing immediate treatment in symptomatic patients. The procedure requires the closure of the VSD and coronary artery bypass grafting.

Maintaining Military Observers in the Middle of the Western Sahara Desert: A Logistic Challenge

Julio Cesar do Amaral Junior, Raphael de Almeida Leitão, Dr. Murillo de Oliveira Dias

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 5 No. 8 (2022),Volume 2022 , Page 30-35

Logistics plays a decisive role in any military campaign, including peacekeeping missions. In this article, we investigated how the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) logistic system overcome the environmental challenges to support their United Nations Military Observers (UNMOs) deployed on Team Sites (TS) in 2017. Combining field experience with a wide-range analysis of relevant sources, key findings pointed out three critical factors: (a) the unique integration between civilian and military to provide logistic support despite the reduced number of military logisticians at the headquarter (HQ); (b) tactical aviation employment to supply TS, and (c) the use of operational contract support (OCS) to cover a lack of capabilities in the mission area. This work provides an overview of lessons learned about expeditionary logistical efforts for isolated troops. Furthermore, it will broaden the knowledge about supporting forces on the ground in challenging environments.

Critical Review on Synthetic Routes and Catalytic Applications of Hollow Nanomaterials

Tayyaba Azam, Fawad Ahmad, Zaheer Ahmad

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 5 No. 8 (2022),Volume 2022 , Page 36-57

The significant trend for the improvement of material’s performance is increasing of their surface area, pore volume and surface to volume ratio. That leads huge attention from various fields and scientists. Hollow nanomaterials are unique materials to evolve because of special attributions like surface area as these materials have wide surfaces than their solid counterparts. Synthesis of hollow nanomaterials (HNMs) is very challenging and important in the grown era of industrialization. The common synthetic strategies are hard-template, self-template, soft template, template free and simple methods. The characterization tools are scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hollow nanomaterials have wide range applications in catalysis, sensors, lithium ion batteries, water treatment, drug delivery, nanoreactors and dye sensitized solar cells etc. Herein we had summarized the strategies for preparation of HNMs and their applications.