Assessment of Effectiveness of Internal Quality Assurance in Provision of Quality Education in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamagana District, Mwanza Region
Research and Analysis Journal
Vol. 5 No. 11 (2022),Volume
Page 01-10
This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of internal quality assurance in provision of quality education in public secondary schools in Nyamagana district, Tanzania.The study guided by theobjectives:Internal quality assurance strategies on provision of quality education in public secondary schools and challenges internal quality assurers encounter on the provision of quality education in public secondary schools. The study employed mixed research approach and convergent research design. A sample size of 111 respondents which included I District Secondary Educational Officer, 5 academic teachers, 5 heads of schools, and 100 students was applied. The participants were selected using simple random sampling and purposive sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview guide and document review. Quantitative data were analysed by using descriptive statistics with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and they were finally presented in tables, frequencies, percentages and figures. The findings revealed that internal quality assurers wereworking under strategies such as monitoring, evaluating and assessing the daily school activities and provide feedback on time for betterplanning and improvements of students’ academic performance. Also, the findings revealed that challenges such as overcrowded classrooms, minimal number of teachers, unavailability of national guideline for IQA,teachers’ resistance to change,insufficient teaching and learning materialsacted as barriers on their effectiveness. The study recommended that government should review the national policy of education of 1995 and frame the IQA guideline to enhance their effectiveness, ensure the availability of enough teaching and learning materials, ensure the availability of enough infrastructures in school including classes and regularly provide teachers with supervisoryskillsthrough training..