
The Relevance of Inclusivity in Mediation and Negotiation Processes: A Reflection

Joseph Muwanzi, Dorothy Goredema

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 6 No. 7 (2023),Volume 2023 , Page 01-06

Research reveals that women are rarely included in mediation and peace negotiations (CFR: 2017). In the peace negotiations signed from 1990-2017, women represented two percent of the mediators, eight percent of the negotiators and five percent of the witnesses and signatories (ibid).In addition, of the one thousand one hundred and eighty seven peace agreements signed during the period 1990-2017, only nineteen  percent of these mentioned women, while five percent made reference to gender based violence (ibid).The above figures bears testimony that the actual numbers of women involved in international mediation and peace keeping efforts are significantly very low. In addition, the figures reveal the general hesitancy by peace brokers to engage women in the mediation of violent conflict. This is not because there is lack of competent women but because the acknowledgement of the need to include women in conflict resolution, mediation and peace processes has simply not been present. United Nations Resolution 1325 calls for women inclusion and participation in conflict prevention, mediation and negotiation processe. The paper argues that the participation of women at the peace table improves the negotiation process, contributes to a more comprehensive peace agreement, and bolsters the prospect of sustainable peace. Applying discourse analysis to draw information from reports, related literature, the article found out that  women`s needs are different from those of men, factors which are normally overlooked or forgotten in the negotiation processes, resulting in less effective and less sustainable peace agreements because the  needs and concerns of half the population are ignored or not addressed. The articles concludes that the inclusion of women in peace processes creates an enabling environment where the wisdom, experiences and talents of both men and women are harnessed for the promotion of sustainable peace..

Increased Gender Based Violence during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Zimbabwean Case Study

Dorothy Goredema, Joseph Muwanzi

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 6 No. 7 (2023),Volume 2023 , Page 07-10

The brief addresses the increase of GBV in the wake of COVID-19.  Outlining the  possible triggers of violence under COVID-19 lockdowns,  the brief argues  that emergence situations affect social relations, worsen gender inequalities that already exist between men and women as well as violence perpetrated against women and girls .The brief stresses the need by the Zimbabwean government to come up with strategies and measures so that rampant cases of gender based violence may be kept at bay in future health pandemics  through  identifying and developing needs based solutions, where women and girls are at the center of responses to the crisis. The brief also targets researchers and practitioners to help inform further evidence generation and policy action within the broader intersectional gender- and feminist-informed pandemic response. The brief concludes by making recommendations on how the Zimbabwean government can   prepare for  future health pandemics.Under current  lockdown conditions, desk review, social, media reports analysis; observation and telephone interviews with key selected informants were used.

A Review of Covid-19

Shabber ., Somesh Saxena, Sudeep Bhardwaj, Ashutosh Aggarwal

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 6 No. 7 (2023),Volume 2023 , Page 11-20

According to the WHO, total confirmed cases of Coronavirus up to May 17, 2023: 766,440,796, Deaths: 6,932,591 from COVID-19, triggered by the novel SARS-CoV-2. Total number of vaccine doses administered was 13,350,530,518 around the world. SARS-CoV-2 is a 29.9 kb RNA beta-coronavirus that is enveloped, positive-sense, and single-stranded. Close contact with infected patients and exposure to aerosol viruses from medical devices and procedures, such as endoscopy, may put healthcare workers at risk of infection. Current data suggests that children under the age of 18 have a low rate of infection (2.4 present). The current gold standard and confirming test for COVID19 is the detection of viral nucleic acid using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that controlling infectious diseases like COVID19 requires education, isolation, prevention, transmission control, and treatment of sick people. By following the steps one can help to keep the illness from spreading. Protection consists of staying at home (home quarantine) and avoiding direct contact with healthy (potentially asymptomatic) or diseased patient.

Origin of Militants

Mohammad Abdul Khaleak

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 6 No. 7 (2023),Volume 2023 , Page 21-23

I know about the top most secret matter of the militants. All militants are exceptional clone. The process of cloning will never be disclosed by the militants. Jinn and Fay (Fairy) is one kind of species. I have seen the Jinn and Fay (Fairy) many times. A some number of people have seen Jinn and Fairy (Fay). Jinn is male and Fay (Fairy) is female. Jinn Fay (Fairy) can take shape of any men. Then he/she can’t see in the light of day, and there are no teeth in the mouth, no nails in the fingers and toes. The thumb of the hand is one bone (phalanges). Then there are 204 bones in the whole body. They can speak like any human voice. Jinn and fairy have to do special training before becoming militant people. Then the clone creates the clone man in the factory. For this a few operations have to done. The first operation is to attach the teeth in mouth of the Jinn/Fairy. Then can’t change after attaching teeth. The second operation is to attach the collected human retina to the eye of the clone. The man-collected nails are then surgically attached to the fingers of the clone. With the help of the machine, the bones of the thumbs of both hands are made into two phalanges. Then number of bones stands at 206 pieces. This is how cloning is performed. Then it looks like human (Insun/Adam race). Realizing the opportunity, militants kills Adam (Insun man) and hide his death body. The clone came to house and occupied the place. This clone system makes militants. So their secret matter is violation of Human Rights. So all militants is not Adam /Insan race (Not Homo sapiens).