This research is motivated by a religious culture that is built and realized to instill values into students. Religious character culture is one method of comprehensive value education. In its embodiment, there is the inculcation of values, setting an example, and preparing the younger generation to be independent by teaching and facilitating responsible moral decisions and other life skills. The question of this research is how the strategy of implementing religious culture shapes students' character in MAN 1 and MAN 2 Tulungagung. This research uses a qualitative multi-site study approach. Data collection techniques used include in-depth interviews, participant observation, study documentation. The data collected were analyzed through the three techniques from a single site and cross-site analysis. At the time of data collection, the data was obtained and tested using the triangulation method and the persistence of observation and validity of the data. The results of this study indicate that the strategy for implementing religious culture in shaping students' character is carried out by a) Applying habituation with the habituation carried out within the individual will be faster to understand and understand religious culture contained in daily actions. b) Providing exemplary; c) Togetherness in religious civilizing activities.