
Study the Prevalence of Depression in Patients Attending Comprehensive Care Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan

Mehak Nimra, Sobia Yousaf, Huma Naz, Hira Nain, Tahreem Shahid, Adeela Amber, Faseeha Aman

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 4 No. 9 (2021),Volume 2021 , Page 1-6


Depression is one of the most common neuropsychiatric complications of HIV disease, and this leads to worse HIV-related health outcomes. With 350 million people affected worldwide, rates of depression are roughly two times greater in people living with HIV than in the general population.

Objective: Determine prevalence of depression in patients attending Comprehensive Care Centre Shifa international Hospital, Islamabad

Design: Descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study. 

Settings: Shifa international Hospital, Islamabad Comprehensive Care Centre,

Methods: This data is from a bigger study ‘prevalence of alcohol use disorders and depression in patients attending Comprehensive Care Centre (CCC). The study population consisted of PLWHA attending the CCC. Two hundred and seventy-two (N=272) participants from CCC attendants were recruited. All consenting male and female aged 18-65 years were interviewed using the researcher’s designed questioner to collect their socio-demographic characteristics. Fully completed questionnaires were entered into excel sheets and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. 

Results: The overall prevalence of depression was 23.8%, with mild depression at 9.7%, moderate depression at 10.4% and severe depression accounting for 3.7%, respectively. Depression was associated with alcohol use (p=0.024). A significant difference between depression and age where depression levels worsens as age advances; respondents in age category of 18-21 years had less or no depression compared to those in the age category of 33 years and above. We found an association between depression and employment. Those laid-off work (1/3), and the retired (15%) had more depression compared to the employed (11%) or self-employed 6%, with a P value of 0.55 (borderline). On multivariate analysis severity of depression (OR=5.5, 95% CI of OR [2.1 –14.3], p<0.0001) was associated with male gender (OR=10, 95% CI of OR [3.6 –28.3], p<0.0001).

Conclusion: The study findings indicate a high prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients attending the CCC. There is need to set-up appropriate interventions and strategies to reduce the prevalence of mental health disorders into routine HIV clinical care and support.

Economic Losses Caused By Rodents in Some Cultivars of Rodents in Maize Fields

Ahmed A. A.Elrawy, Nashaat A Mahmoud, Saudi A. S. Baghdadi, Abd El-Aleem S. S. Desoky

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 4 No. 9 (2021),Volume 2021 , Page 7-10

This study was conducted to estimate the quantitative damage caused by rodent infestation to some types of maize and its financial transfer. At Al-Dahsa village in Farshout district, Qena Governorate, Egypt, during study period 2018 / 2019. The results showed the (quantitative) loss in corn varieties over the years 2018 and 2019, the damages of rodents to the type of maize (Hay tak 2066) were about (3.91 and 3.00 Irdabb/ feddan) with a value of about (2737 and 2100 pounds), followed by the Balady type with about ( 3.90 and 2.34 Irdabb/ feddan) with a value of about (2730 and 1638 pounds), followed by the single hybrid genotype (Hay tak 2055) about (3.26 and 2.57 Irdabb/ feddan) with a value of about (2282 and 1799 pounds), while the moderate loss was recorded in crossbreeding Triple genetic (national 11) about (2.40 and 2.10 Irdabb/ feddan) with a value of about (1608 and 1407 pounds) , followed by the three-way genotype (Watania 310) with about (2.30 and 1.84 Irdabb/ feddan) with a value of about (1541 and) 1233 pounds, while the lowest value was recorded in the individual genotype (Watania 6) with about (1.30 and 1.04 Irdabb/ feddan) with a value of about (1.30 and 1.04 Irdabb/ feddan) About (871 and 697 pounds), followed by the individual hybrid genotype (Wataniya 4), about (1.50 and 1.20 Irdabb/ feddan) with a value of about (1005 and 804 pounds). The study showed significant differences between the types of maize.

Investigating satisfaction of the people of Ardabil province with implementation of family physician program in 2020

Ghasem Abedi; Seyed Abolhassan Naghibi; Masoumeh Lotfi, Hassan Lotfi, Dr. Aziz Kamran

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 4 No. 9 (2021),Volume 2021 , Page 11-17

Background: Satisfaction with family physician services is one of the most important indicators of effectiveness and quality of services in health centers and increasing customer satisfaction leads to outcomes such as commitment to health, responsibility and follow-up care in health centers. The aim of this study was to determine the satisfaction of the people of Ardabil province with the family physician program.

Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytical research was performed on 637 people covered by the family physician centers in rural and urban areas of Ardabil province in 2020. Stratified sampling was performed, and data were collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire in an interview and were analyzed using SPSS software version 21 and independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance.

Results: Out of 637 participants in this study, 332 (52.1%) were male, 534 (83.8%) were married, and 508 (79.7%) had rural insurance. In general, the satisfaction score of the family physician program was 17.83 ±2.63 out of 20, and there was a significant difference in the mean score of general satisfaction among the towns (p = 0.001). There was also a significant difference in the level of satisfaction with the time spent by the physician, the status of access to the physician, satisfaction with the waiting time to receive services, satisfaction with the cost of receiving services, satisfaction with staff behavior, and satisfaction with midwifery services among the towns ( 05/0 <p).

Conclusion: Despite the fact that people were satisfied with the family physician program, health planners need to pay attention to issues such as public access to the family physician, the quality of services received from physicians and midwives and the waiting time to receive services.

Curriculum Development Management In Increasing Student Excellence Research Context (Multisite Study at MTsN 1 Trenggalek and MTsN 2 Trenggalek)

M. Triono Al Fata, Imam Fu’ adi, Ngainun Na’im, Achmad Patoni, Maftukhin ,, Akhyak ,

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 4 No. 9 (2021),Volume 2021 , Page 18-24

This research is motivated by the design of curriculum development management which has a strategic position in increasing student excellence.  Improving student excellence is an opportunity for madrasas as educational institutions that can produce a generation of superior, capable, strong character, following the civilization of the times.  Madrasas that have curriculum development designs by taking into account the strengths of students in accordance with their respective potential advantages will provide space and opportunities for students to strengthen their character and excellence.  This research uses a qualitative approach with a field research design.  The results of this study are, the design of curriculum development that is centered on knowledge, the design of curriculum development in madrasas consists of planning based on the foundation, principles, and goals of education with the vision, mission of the madrasa and programs to increase student excellence determined by the educational institution.

This research is motivated by a religious culture that is built and realized to instill values ​​into students.  Religious character culture is one method of comprehensive value education.  In its embodiment, there is the inculcation of values, setting an example, and preparing the younger generation to be independent by teaching and facilitating responsible moral decisions and other life skills.  The question of this research is how the strategy of implementing religious culture shapes students' character in MAN 1 and MAN 2 Tulungagung.  This research uses a qualitative multi-site study approach.  Data collection techniques used include in-depth interviews, participant observation, study documentation.  The data collected were analyzed through the three techniques from a single site and cross-site analysis.  At the time of data collection, the data was obtained and tested using the triangulation method and the persistence of observation and validity of the data.  The results of this study indicate that the strategy for implementing religious culture in shaping students' character is carried out by a) Applying habituation with the habituation carried out within the individual will be faster to understand and understand religious culture contained in daily actions.  b) Providing exemplary;  c) Togetherness in religious civilizing activities.