Small-Bowel Obstruction Secondary to Trichobezoar in Young Children: A Case Report
Research and Analysis Journal
Vol. 6 No. 6 (2023),Volume
Page 01-04
Background: The term bezoar refers to an intraluminal masse in the gastrointestinal system caused by the accumulation of indigestible ingested materials. Trichobezoar is a compact conglomeration of swallowed hair and constitutes less than 6% of all bezoars. The stomach is the common site of occurrence and many patients may remain asymptomatic or present a mild form of the disease. Intestinal obstruction due to trichobezoar is an extremely rare complication. The clinical findings of bezoar-induced ileus do not differ from those of mechanical bowel obstruction due to other causes and they are rarely reported in the pediatric age group.
Case presentation: we report a case of acute small-bowel obstruction due to trichobezoar in a three years old boy with no history of eating disorder which presented an abdominal distention.
Conclusion: This case serves to raise awareness of trichobezoar as a diagnosis in young children who present with abdominal pain, palpable mass, and signs of acute small-bowel obstruction
- trichobezoar
- small-bowel obstruction
- children

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