(Re)Positioning the Swahili Language in Cultural Diplomacy Under the Capacity of African Ubuntu In Tanzania
Research and Analysis Journal
Vol. 7 No. 11 (2024),Volume
Page 33-42
The article used the documentary analysis method guided by the Ujamaa Intersections Model in (re) positioning the Kiswahili language in cultural diplomacy through the Ubuntu Panorama. Ujamaa is among the core values of African Ubuntu that was integrated into Tanzania’s policy framework in the 1960s under the influence of the Kiswahili language. Kiswahili is among the oldest and major lingua franca in African history, despite being undocumented in Ubuntu capacity it has a direct linkage with African Ubuntu throughout the history of the continent. Tracing back, Ubuntu is an African philosophy from pre-colonial times that guides all the major aspects of the continent including social economic, cultural, and political. Dr. Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Ubuntu Champion 2014) (who preferred to be called Mwalimu meaning a teacher) embraced Ubuntu philosophy through the Kiswahili language as a soft tool to spread Ujamaa into cultural Diplomacy in Africa and beyond. Dr. Nyerere engaged existing Ujamaa intersections in the community to develop, maintain, and promote the Kiswahili language ultimately influencing the international platforms. In the African Ubuntu capacity, a community is made up of various Ujamaa Intersections comprising primary family, extended families, neighborhood, local leadership, ecology, spirituality, and wider attributions, etc. Over time, Kiswahili became a tool for the decolonization, unification of Africa, and related cultural diplomacy. To mention a few, Kiswahili was the first African language in the United Nations and later it secured various positions as a working language in international organizations including EAC, SADC, COMESA, AU, UNESCO, etc. Moreover, Kiswahili entails more than 200 million speakers Worldwide, several countries have established Swahili radio stations including Germany, Japan, the UK, China, and the USA, etc. To date, Kiswahili continues to render opportunities toward transmission, acceptance, inclusion, hospitality, humanism, peace, equality, love, and coexistence of cultural diversity relevant to nurture cultural diplomacy. It represents African Ubuntu in cultural diplomacy with the relevant capacity to speak about Africa's past, present, and sustainable future in international relations.

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