
Child rights abuse has become a serious global concern in the 21st century as it has been reflected in the global agenda of SDGs. Tanzania like other developing countries experienced significant child rights abuse in the 1990s due to the influx of the number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) which was highly influenced by the HIV and AIDS pandemic, poverty, urbanization, etc. OVC was exposed to the high risk of being deprived of their rights following the failure of the formal systems and the shortage of childcare workforce that necessitated the government to involve the key child welfare stakeholders to revitalize and capacitate among the Ujamaa Intersections Models (UIM) under Ubuntu philosophy. Ultimate the country successfully designed an Indigenous cadre of para-social work (PSW) that advocated for and addressed the multiple rights of vulnerable children from 2007. Initiation and operation of PSW are embedded in the Ujamaa sections from side to side with social work and Ubuntu competence, this combination capacitated existing Ujamaa Intersections in the community such as family, extended families, neighborhood, local leadership, ecology, spirituality, and wider attributes in realizing child rights. The relevance of Ubuntu values and social work enabled para-social workers to identify the special needs of vulnerable children, increase community child protection awareness, create alarm systems for abused children, and sometimes link them to temporary self-shelters or social welfare services, etc. Despite the challenges, PSW succeeded in advocating for children's rights and improved the quality of life of children and their families. PSW has rendered evidence based on how the Indigenous models can offer relevant and sustainable solutions in addressing the rights of vulnerable populations in the community. Over time, several African countries adopted the PSW model and the model calls for child rights stakeholders and global decision-makers to revisit and relearn the capacity of the PSW model in the realization of SDG including protecting children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and violence. Also, it has relevant sustainable opportunities that ensure children attain inclusive and equitable quality social welfare services.

The CFO financial performance and the financial market scenario: A Review

Leonardo Pereira, Murillo Dias

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 7 No. 11 (2024),Volume 2024 , Page 13-17

This article introduces a literature review on the CFO's financial performance in the ever-challenging Brazilian financial market scenario. Key findings pointed out that the CFO of unlisted companies shows a lower inclination to estimate the cost of equity. The study also highlighted the need for technical and organizational solutions to agency problems, such as sound corporate governance practices, computer-aided accounting systems, incentive-based compensation, clear performance goals, and delegation of operational decisions. The study also examined the CFO's perspective and the companies' strategic ecosystem, finding that duality in the roles can negatively impact financial reporting quality.

This study discusses the perception of the Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd) students during the implementation of distance learning along with their specialization courses in Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC). This study aimed to generate students' learning experience and determine factors affecting the teaching-learning process and the implementation of the distance learning modality of CSPC. This study utilized a descriptive method of research. An adapted survey questionnaire was used to gather the data, and a weighted mean was employed to analyze and determine the factors affecting students’ performance in the distance learning modality.

This study revealed that the students rated an overall rating of 2.95 with a verbal interpretation of Agree along with computer expertise, the flexibility of distance learning, the usefulness of distance learning, and distance learning satisfaction. This means they were satisfied with the teaching-learning process they experienced in their major courses. Thus, the researcher recommended reinforcing its programs along with the new normal approaches in education to achieve its vision of providing the best polytechnic education to its students by continuously creating opportunities such as training and seminars for the teaching staff and students to be fully equipped with the necessary skills for distance learning and the digital advancements in education.

The study evaluated the effectiveness of the implementation of the Therapeutic Community Treatment Modality Program (TCTMP) in Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC) as one of the community-based treatment extension services of the college in partnership with the Probation and Parole Office Administration (PPOA), Iriga City. The 28 Twenty-eight parolee respondents voluntarily answered unstructured questionnaire, on-on-one interviews, document analysis, and focus group discussions. Results revealed the28 participants are the primary subjects involved in the crime, with a probation period ranging from 3 to 4 years. The study found that CSPC provided various activities for participants' social reintegration, affecting their behavioral, emotional, intellectual, and survival aspects. Participants agreed that TCTMP significantly improved their lives, with pre-contemplation and contemplation being the only constraints. Value formation and skills training were deemed potent tools for social reintegration.

The article used the documentary analysis method guided by the Ujamaa Intersections Model in (re) positioning the Kiswahili language in cultural diplomacy through the Ubuntu Panorama. Ujamaa is among the core values of African Ubuntu that was integrated into Tanzania’s policy framework in the 1960s under the influence of the Kiswahili language. Kiswahili is among the oldest and major lingua franca in African history, despite being undocumented in Ubuntu capacity it has a direct linkage with African Ubuntu throughout the history of the continent. Tracing back, Ubuntu is an African philosophy from pre-colonial times that guides all the major aspects of the continent including social economic, cultural, and political. Dr. Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Ubuntu Champion 2014) (who preferred to be called Mwalimu meaning a teacher) embraced Ubuntu philosophy through the Kiswahili language as a soft tool to spread Ujamaa into cultural Diplomacy in Africa and beyond. Dr. Nyerere engaged existing Ujamaa intersections in the community to develop, maintain, and promote the Kiswahili language ultimately influencing the international platforms. In the African Ubuntu capacity, a community is made up of various Ujamaa Intersections comprising primary family, extended families, neighborhood, local leadership, ecology, spirituality, and wider attributions, etc. Over time, Kiswahili became a tool for the decolonization, unification of Africa, and related cultural diplomacy. To mention a few, Kiswahili was the first African language in the United Nations and later it secured various positions as a working language in international organizations including EAC, SADC, COMESA, AU, UNESCO, etc. Moreover, Kiswahili entails more than 200 million speakers Worldwide, several countries have established Swahili radio stations including Germany, Japan, the UK, China, and the USA, etc. To date, Kiswahili continues to render opportunities toward transmission, acceptance, inclusion, hospitality, humanism, peace, equality, love, and coexistence of cultural diversity relevant to nurture cultural diplomacy. It represents African Ubuntu in cultural diplomacy with the relevant capacity to speak about Africa's past, present, and sustainable future in international relations.

Traveling long distances for specialized treatment causes physical and finanacial coasts. In return, convenient and rapid train transportation along scenic routes provides a suitable atmosphere for recovery in therapeutic health environments. Just a traveling by train saves time andcontributes to economicdevelopment and facilitaiting trade exchanges, aswell as stimulating the economic mobility of regions. Designing a train trajectory thatis not considered from an ecological  perspective leads to damage to users and sometimes harms to population Through this research , the ecological space of high speed train station  and a parking area on Motorway designed using biomimetics in a healthy area of OuzeraTown in order to avoid the damage resulting from carbon dioxide emissions which provides an appropriate therapeutic environment that provides rapid transportation and specialized healthcare sevices in natural landscape and optimal therapeutic atmosphere in One Health environment.