
Development of Motorcycle Side Stand Retractor

Danilo C. Ranido1, Cristian J. Bagon2, Alvin B. Lacaba

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018),Volume 2018 , Page RAJ-2018-31-39

As we all know that today’s life is very fast and the rider kick the motorcycle and move forward without removing the side stand because of hurry and this may cause accidents. To avoid such accidents, cause due to uplift the side stand, we may produce the new advancement in motorcycle that as we press the gear lever, the cable wire gets stretched due to the hook catch lock get de-locked to lift the side stand automatically. The need of prevention of the rider on this type of condition, which is happened   many times, hence, it   is   important   to create something or one mechanism, which prevents the rider from the accidents cause due to unfolded side stand. The mechanism should be such that it should neither affect the original mechanism nor create problems. In additional it should not increase the price of the bike. It is just a small mechanism, which operate the stand and operation should so easy. Therefore, it is necessary to have a separate attachment in a bike to lift up the side stand automatically.
An experimental method was used in this study through the different test conducted.

Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural productivity and reduce rural poverty

Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018),Volume 2018 , Page RAJ-2018-40-52

Agricultural growth reduces poverty extreme, the intensity of poverty and income inequality for society in general. On the contrary, the lack of dynamism in agricultural growth and absence of improvements in the productivity of land and work are a threat to consideration in terms of rural poverty. Through the IoT, sensors can be installed where desired - in soil, water or vehicles - to collect data on goals related to inputs, such as soil moisture and crop health. The information collected is stored on a server or wireless cloud system, and farmers can easily access it through tablets and mobile phones with an Internet connection. Depending on the context, farmers can choose to manually control connected devices or fully automate processes for whatever action is necessary.IoT is vital in increasing production, since it allows to increase the cultivated area, improving cultivation techniques, lower costs and dignify human work, to carry out such technology the small farmer needs economic energy sources, practical, easy maintenance and operation, and whose working capacity and costs are appropriate to the size of the property.  Being the purpose of this paper to review the application of the internet of things to Mexican agriculture to analyze your current situation and your perspectives to increase agricultural productivity and  reduce the Mexican rural poverty. In Mexico, the application of the internet to agriculture is practically minimal.It does not have the dynamism that it is taking in other countries, it is necessary to promote it to increase the productivity of small farmers.


Legal Protection for Investor Parties to the Suspension Sanctions Which is given to the Issuer in Indonesian Capital Market

Sufmi Dasco Ahmad

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018),Volume 2018 , Page Pages No. RAJ-2018-53-59

Regulations on the shares suspension in Indonesia run ineffectively because it does not define the maximum time period of the sanction determination, those regulation do not secure the issuer performance which is suspended whether it gets better and gets stable income, even the company becomes negligent in applying the good corporate governanceprinciples, which then also causes the investors do not get dividend and capital gain on several years and do not get valid information from the company because a retardation of information delivery to the public often happens on the suspended issuer. Legal protection to the investors can be seen from the existing regulations and the regulation duties upon some practices of information openness way periodically either through prospectus and annual report, interim financial report, incidental report, and public exposure and legal protection from OJK, is by giving administrative sanctions to every company’s violation negligence in applying the good corporate governance, so that the company’s management gets worse and becomes a reason why the company is still suspended, then the form of protection from BEI is by delisting the related issuer, and returning the investor’s funds which can be done by using share repurchasing mechanism, whereas the protection from the Incorporated Company Regulations is the presence of personal right, derivative right, Appraisal Right, and EnqueteEcht which can be done by the investor as the shares holder.

Developing Triple Helix Model for SMEs with Fish-Based Products

Jun Surjanti, Dian Anita Nuswantara, Dewi Rahayu Mende, Rosa Pafitri Juniarti, Heny Musfidah

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018),Volume 2018 , Page RAJ-2018-60-65

SMEs with fish-based products support Indonesia's role in the world's food supply. Triple Helix (TH) possibly helps in succeeeding the MP3EI program. This study aims to determine triple helix model applied in SMEs with fish-based products, as there is no appropriate model existed in Indonesia. This study used qualitative approach with respondents: 2 people representing SMEs with fish-based products, 6 people representing Universitas Negeri Surabaya, and 12 people representing government. Data were collected through FGD techniques and analyzed using Miles and Hubberman qualitative data techniques. Results indicated that the most appropriate TH model applied in SMEs with fish-based products is Balanced Model S-G-B with three actors, namely: Science (S), Government (G), and Business (B), and is explained as: 1) S and G actors provide assistances and supports to B actor; 2) G actor strengthens S actor, in which both possibly change its roles and create role-changing area; and (3) B actor accepts assistance and support from S and G actors and provides informations to develop new technology and make new policy for them. Implementing TH needs to be carried out not only one-way but also continuously to obtain optimal results