Development of Motorcycle Side Stand Retractor
Research and Analysis Journal
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018),Volume
Page RAJ-2018-31-39
As we all know that today’s life is very fast and the rider kick the motorcycle and move forward without removing the side stand because of hurry and this may cause accidents. To avoid such accidents, cause due to uplift the side stand, we may produce the new advancement in motorcycle that as we press the gear lever, the cable wire gets stretched due to the hook catch lock get de-locked to lift the side stand automatically. The need of prevention of the rider on this type of condition, which is happened many times, hence, it is important to create something or one mechanism, which prevents the rider from the accidents cause due to unfolded side stand. The mechanism should be such that it should neither affect the original mechanism nor create problems. In additional it should not increase the price of the bike. It is just a small mechanism, which operate the stand and operation should so easy. Therefore, it is necessary to have a separate attachment in a bike to lift up the side stand automatically.An experimental method was used in this study through the different test conducted.
- Alamata district;Erythrocyte;Evaluation;Local;chicken;Mean.
How to Cite
Ranido1, D. C., Bagon2, C. J., & Lacaba, A. B. (2018). Development of Motorcycle Side Stand Retractor. Research and Analysis Journal, 1(2), RAJ–2018. Retrieved from
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