
Analisis Biaya Kualitas Dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Biaya Produksi Pada Pt Medan Media Grafikatamatama Tahun 2012-2016


Research and Analysis Journal ,Volume 2020 , Page 236 -252

This research is designed as a quantitative descriptive research approach. The research is aimed to analyze the quality cost applied by PT Medan Media Grafikatama in addressing appropriate production cost  of Historical City in 2012 to 2016. On the other hand, the research is also aimed to analyze the effect of applied quality cost to the production cost efficiency in 5 years. The subject of this research is PT Medan Media Grafikatama, while the object is the quality cost applied by the company. The data is analyzed by looking at the correlation of quality cost in increasing the efficiency of the production cost. This research used a simple correlation analysis that commonly knows as pearson correlation. The method used in collecting the data is mostly from documentation and literature review. The result shows that PT Medan Media Grafikatama has not applied any specific calculation of quality cost, it has generally included in production cost.Based on the research analysis, the quality cost can possibly increase the efficiency of production cost. However it plays a very small roles because the quality cost is just a part of the whole productioncost spent by the company

Keywords: Quality Cost, Efficiency and Production Cost

Impacts of Smartphone addiction on Academic Performance of students in senior secondary schools in Lagos state

Prof. Bisi Obadofin , Ejie Benedette Onyeka, Ejie Cynthia Nchedochukwu

Research and Analysis Journal ,Volume 2020 , Page 253-260

Smartphone addiction could describe as smartphone mismanagement, mishandling and misuse. It is also being fuelled by the fear of being without a mobile phone for certain number of hours. It is a non-chemical addiction that is been driven by an Internet overuse problem thereby becoming a destructive behaviour. Smartphone addiction has the capacity to negatively affect an individual in his/her physical and mental health,  relationships, productivity and academic performance. This paper therefore,  examined  impacts of Smartphone addiction on   academic performance of  students in Senior secondary schools in Lagos state.  One research question and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the research. The sample consisted of one hundred and thirty  (130)  students randomly selected from four senior secondary schools in Lagos state. A 25-item questionnaire designed by the researchers titled  “Addiction to Smartphone Inventory” (ASPI)  was designed for data collection. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient of the instrument stood at 0.91. The study adopted the descriptive survey design to seek information. Data analysis was carried out with the use of percentages,  t-test and ANOVA. Results showed that there is a significant impact of Smartphone addiction  on academic performance of students in senior secondary schools in Lagos state. The results also revealed that academic performance of students is not gender based, neither does it depended on their the type of school.  Students in senior secondary schools should be exposed to dangers inherent in smartphone addiction and how they can overcome the menace.