
This critical article deals with the issue of symbolism, as its transparent employment is evident in the modern Palestinian short story of the writer, Rāwiah Burbārah, through her short story production in her collection of stories “Shaqā`iq Al-`Asīl” published in 2007. The research focuses on a short story selected from the collection of the stories of the aforementioned group, which is The white transparent, through a symbolic reading, to defining the features of modern symbolism.

Symbolism is prominent in the modern short story, as the narrator employs symbolism in its integrated concept, using it to express his thoughts and visions within the elements of the story, so he enters the symbolic building in the writer’s style and formulation of the fictional text, adding to it a space of intended gaps and ambiguity and moving away from declarative and specific, so that the writer makes his story a text Literary evasive and clever in its presentation, structure and plot, calling the readers to implement all they possess of the elements of reading, interpretation, deconstruction and composition in order to reach a deeper and optimal understanding of the text and its cause, which is what the writer aims to achieve.

The writer, Rāwiah Burbārah, is considered one of the creative Palestinian writers in the field of fictional writing of all kinds. A few scholars have paid attention to her short stories, which are collected in two collections: "Shaqā`iq Al-`Asīl" in 2007, and "Min Mashī`at Jasad" in 2008. Therefore, this article is complementary with What has been written about her role in writing short stories, and this article is concerned with the symbolic approach present in her first collection, in order to answer a central question: What are the features of transparent symbolism for the writer, Rāwiah Burbārah, in her short story text “The White Transparent”?

Using Refutation Technique to Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Second Grade Students of Sma Hasanuddin Gowa

M. Dahlan Bahang, Iriany Kesuma Wijaya, Lukman HB

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023),Volume 2023 , Page 06-10

The aims of this study was to find out whether or not refufation technique can increase the students’ reading comprehension of the second grade students of SMA Hasanuddin Gowa. This research employed pre-experimental method which one class was given pre-test, treatment and post-test. The population of this research was the second grade students of SMA Hasanuddin Gowa. The total sample consisted of 24 students and it is used purposive sampling technique. The instrument was reading text in order to measure the students’ reading comprehension skill  by using refutation technique. The result of the data showed that by using reputation technique in reading comprehension was effective in improving the students’ reading skill. In other words, the finding indicated that using refutation technique in teaching reading comprehension was able to improve the students’ skill in reading. Based on the result of the data showed that there was a significant difference between the pre-test mean score (45.04), and the post-test mean score (71.83). It can be concluded that the use of refutation technique in reading comprehension can be improved at SMA Hasanuddin Makassar.

The Effect of Technical Skills on Productivity of Cataloguers in Tertiary Institutions in Edo State, Nigeria

Olalekan Simeon Ola (CLN), Emmanuel Eshiemokhai Charles (CLN), Amah John

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023),Volume 2023 , Page 11-18

A situation whereby cataloguers are less productive the long lasting effect will be felt by the end users. It is in this regard, that this study investigated the attitude, and productivity of cataloguers in tertiary institutions in Edo State. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The population comprised of 81 cataloguers in Edo State. The study made use of total enumeration sampling technique. Reliability co-efficient of the constructs of this study are as follows: Productivity - 0.71, and Technical skills- 0.71. A validated questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings of the study revealed that there was significant influence of attitude on the productivity of cataloguers (Adj. R2=0.100; p<0.002) in tertiary institutions in Edo State. The study concluded that attitude and technical skills have positive influence on productivity of cataloguers in Edo State. Therefore, the study recommended that institutions should strive to motivate cataloguers and provide current cataloguing and classification tools so as to ensure they have positive attitude to cataloguing. It was also recommended that cataloguers should be motivated whenever works are well done in order to boost their morale and positive attitude. Cataloguers should be offered regular training and retraining as this will boost their expertise in cataloguing.

Religious Culture Implementation in State Islamic Senior High School in Indonesia

Jumahir Jumahir, Nurdin Nurdin, Adawiyah Pettalongi, Anindya Fitri, Rohmatika Aftori

Research and Analysis Journal Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023),Volume 2023 , Page 19-26

Implementation and cultivating religious and cultural values in educational institutions have been carried out with several strategies. However, more is needed to know the implementation of religious education institutions. This study, therefore, was conducted to understand the implementation and maintaining a religious culture within government Islamic high schools. The aim of this study is to examine and discuss the Islamic senior high schools implement and maintain a religious culture within the school environment. The study was conducted with multiple case study methods within two State Islamic Senior High Schools in Indonesia. Data was gathered through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and written material analysis. In addition, in-depth interviews were carried out with the schools' principals, teachers, and students. The results of this study show that the schools have implemented and maintained the religious culture within the school environment through practicing routine religious activities supported by the schools' policymakers, parents, and students. Some religious activities which were regularly practiced included regular mass praying, celebrating religious events,  religious knowledge competitions, and Islamic fashion and art shows. The religious activities created a religious culture environment that stimulated teachers and students to practice and appreciate religious values in their daily activities.