The prominent factors affecting the sustainability of water supply project. A Case of Chemba District in Dodoma City.
Research and Analysis Journal
This study was carried out in Donsee village, Farkwa ward in Chemba district, Dodoma region. The main aim of the study was to assess prominent factors affecting sustainability of water supply projects. A non- experimental (cross-sectional) research design was adopted. Systematic random sampling was used to acquire a total size of 90 respondents. Data were collected through administered structured questionnaires, observations, interview of key informants and documentary reviews. Checklists and observation kits were used for interviews and key informants. Data collected were summarized, coded and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) programmers version 20.0 was used to analyze qualitative data.
The findings showed that: the prominent factors affecting sustainability of water supply project in the study area includes low level of education of community, improper financial management, dependency of fund for repair from implanting agency, consumer dissatisfaction, poor operation and maintenance practices, inability to pay for water tariff and inappropriateness of technology used.
The study recommended that LGA/implementing agency should establishment and strengthening the participatory monitoring and evaluation unit from district to community level, ongoing training, more involvement of women in financial management and decision making process.
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